The Byron White U.S. Courthouse is a widely recognized civic and architectural asset in Denver and within the region. Built between 1910 and 1916, the striking marble building takes up an entire city block in the Federal District downtown.
Milender White completed interior and exterior renovations to the 244,000-sq. ft. historic courthouse. The upgrade program encompassed improvements to rooms and public spaces throughout the building, including courtrooms and judge’s chambers. Major scopes of work included historic window, masonry/stone and terrazzo floor restoration; mechanical and fire protection system upgrades; roof access stair and platform replacement; elevator modernization; and historic light fixture upgrades.
The building was fully occupied during construction. All work was closely coordinated and sequenced to prevent any interruption of Tenth Circuit Court or U.S. Marshal activities. Work activities were suspended while appellate courts were in session, for approximately five weeks per calendar year.
The Byron White U.S. Courthouse project won a Pyramid Award of Excellence for Historical Renovation from Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. (ABC).