The design-build project involved extensive exterior restoration and modifications and interior renovations and additions to an existing three story historic train station.
Primary areas of restoration and abatement included repair of the exterior stone and terra cotta, restoration and repair of the iron canopy and restoration of the existing Great Hall.
Interior demolition occurred to provide a 112-key independent hotel, with associated restaurant uses and supplemental retail on the ground floor while accommodating the existing tenant needs and space requirements of Amtrak on the ground floor and lower level.
Exterior modifications included the addition of new dormers with windows into existing attic space, lowering historic window sills and repairing window openings at the ground level and restoration and/or addition of entrances into the hotel, restaurants and retail spaces.
Interior modifications to the building included structural additions of a floor level (mezzanine) between the existing ground and second floor to create a four story building, selective excavation of existing crawlspace area, addition of four elevators and four emergency egress stairs and the restoration of the grand staircase.
New life-safety systems serve the hotel and the Great Hall atrium needs including updated fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, and atrium emergency smoke evacuation system. M/E/P systems were upgraded to current building codes. Denver Union Station is LEED certified.
Denver Union Station has been awarded the Eagle Award of Excellence for Historical Renovation, Design Build and Free Enterprise Award from Associated Builders & Contractors, the Downtown Denver Partnership Award from the Downtown Denver Partnership, and the Global Award for Excellence from Urban Land Institute.