Milender White erected a 149-foot guyed scientific data collection tower and instrument hut deep within the Choctaw National Wildlife Refuge in southwest Alabama. Building the ecological data gathering facility in the dense forest wetlands during spring flooding presented formidable challenges.
The tower is equipped with scientific monitoring equipment, and an adjacent instrument hut houses sensitive data collection tools. The area immediately surrounding the tower and instrument hut was preserved during construction to maintain its environmental integrity.
An elevated boardwalk totaling 1,150 feet begins just inside of the site entrance and leads to the instrument hut, the tower and five soil array plots. Flexible liquid-tight conduit, mounted in a raceway on the underside of the boardwalk, delivers power and data services to the instrument hut electrical panel. Branch circuit conduits extend power from the instrument hut panel out to the tower and the soil arrays.
Lenoir Landing received an Eagle Award of Excellence, Other Construction Projects and a Free Enterprise Award from Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. (ABC).